Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown has begun! Aaah!!! Not a great feeling!! The place that made me who I am today, is finally on the verge of being cut off from my life....forever! Its been 5 long years....Even today when I look back to the first day here in this college, I cant stop to amuse over the fact that it was here, in this place that we grew up from kids to mature adults, don't know how much matured though ;)

The day I pass out from this place...Gujarat National Law University, I will be a "lawyer"......this transition from being a law student to a professional lawyer in the Big Bad World out there, is simply impeccable!!

The friends that I made here, the relations that I ruined, the moments that I lived, the hardships I faced, the tests I aced, the subjects I flunked, every single thing, no matter tiny or huge, has left its mark in my life and has taught me so much that I feel I am leaving this place as a better and a stronger person! And no matter how hard it was being the first batch of this place, pioneering the institution, while the institution was itself in the learning process, i do not so much regret my choice of this place....because there is one thing i know for sure now, nothing comes for free....and today if i have got the courage to face anything in this world without even thinking of giving because I chose to come here.....and I did not learn it for free....(of course, apart from the fees, which was quiet FAT) lol :D

But today....when its hardly 20 days left to leave this place, and the people, forever, I this weird feeling that I might want some more time here.....there are many things I wanted to do here but could not...there are many relations I wanted to mend....but now, there is not much time left to do any of these, it hurts, but not always we get what we want .... there is a hollow inside I feel, a void, which shall never be filled!!

The law school......national law of its kind, elite amongst the lot, a brand was never about the law only!!! The things about life that i witnessed and learned here at the temple of knowledge for me, I am sure, I wouldn't have got to learn it anywhere else!! I would not want to say that this is the end, though it is coming to an end, I would rather choose to say that this is just a new beginning...from the safe shelter of our friends and teachers, we now move on to the real world out there for which we have been trained! This beautiful journey no doubt is coming to an end but only for another unknown journey to begin and the memories and lessons learned the hard way will help us make the journey ahead beautiful and memorable one....because life is not a destination, it is a continuous journey, we just change stations!

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